
【2024年度入学】留学生パンフレット「School Outline for International Students」が公開されました!

[English follows below.]


大和学園の2024年度入学 留学生パンフレット「School Outline for International Students」が公開されましたぴかぴか (新しい)


「KYOTO Guide Book」:京都とグループ校を紹介してよくいただく質問にも答える新しいリーフレットるんるん (音符)

「ダブルライセンスプラン チラシ」:表面に調理と製菓が学べるプラン、そして裏面にJLPT N3レベルで入学できる「ホスピタリティビジネス学科」もご紹介double exclamation



さて、大和学園で「今日の興味」を「明日のお仕事」にしてみませんかほっとした顔exclamation and question

To you, international student in Japan or thinking of studying in Japan,

Taiwa Gakuen’s 2024 Admission edition of the “School Outline for International Students” has been released!

Together with new interviews of students and employment achievements, learn more about all the courses, tuition fees, extensive support system for international students, and more. All in Japanese and 5 other languages!

By sending a request, you’ll also receive these additional brochures:

・“KYOTO Guide Book” : a brand new leaflet presenting the 4 schools at Taiwa and life in Kyoto.

・“Double License Plan” : updated leaflet about cooking and confectionery oriented “Double License Plan”, and international students-only “Hospitality Business Program” accessible from JLPT level N3.

Select the school of your choice and request all these materials for free at the links below*:

【Kyoto Culinary Art College】


【Kyoto Pastry & Bakery Art College】


【Kyoto College of Hotel, Tourism and Bridal Management】


【Kyoto College of Nutritional & Medical Sciences】


Nutrition, medical sciences, cuisine (Japanese and Western), bakery & pastry (Japanese and Western confectionery), hotel, tourism or bridal management. At Taiwa Gakuen, you can pick the specialised field of your choice!

Let’s join Taiwa Gakuen and turn your “interest of today” into your “job of tomorrow”!

*海外からのご請求の場合は、個別メールでデータを共有いたします。For requests from abroad, we will send you a digital version of the documentation by email.